Ireland Trains

Ireland Trains

Planning your journey around Ireland check out Ireland's train services, connecting Ireland's towns with Irish Rail Irelands train network. Check out Irelands rail destinations and plan your visit, pick up a Four Day Rail Trekker Ticket.

If you are starting your holiday in Dublin this city is serviced by two main railway lines Dublin Heuston and Dublin Connolly.

Dublin Heuston covers the following towns and cities Cork, Tralee, Limerick, Galway, Westport, Ballina and Waterford. Dublin Connolly covers towns and cities such as Sligo, Wexford, Rosslare Europort and Belfast. Dublin city is also serviced by the LUAS similar to trams and Dublin suburbs is serviced by the DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transport). Wifi is available on board the trains and most of the Irish rail stations. Irish Rail offers a number of travelling tours via rail for you to plan check their web site for more details.

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Ireland Map
Car Hire

Car Hire

Are you planning on renting a car in Ireland? We will compare the best car hire companies to get you the best price and overall deal. One way Car Rental is available. Rent a car at Dublin Airport, Cork Airport, Shannon Airport, Kerry Airport or Belfast, we give you an all inclusive quote.

With free cancellation and no credit card fees you have nothing to loose.

Accommodation in Ireland

See & Do in Ireland

East of Ireland

Irelands Ancient East

West of Ireland

Wild Atlantic Way

Getting Around Ireland

  • Ireland Car Hire Car Hire
    Compare car hire companies in Ireland in seconds to get the best deals.
  • Ireland Bus & Coach Bus & Coach
    Bus & Coach services in Ireland with links to timetables
  • Ferry to Ireland Ferry to Ireland
    Details of the Ferry service to and from Ireland and the Islands.
  • Irish Airports Irish Airports
    Airports in Ireland include, Dublin, Shannon, Cork, Kerry, Belfast
  • Ireland Taxis Taxi
    Taxi companies to pre-book your taxi journey in Ireland.
  • Trains in Ireland Trains
    Details of train service in Ireland including Lucas and the Dart.